Apply here!

If you would like to be a part of the team here at Stardoll starz then
You can sign up to become a:
Graphic Designer/Artwork
Model- Three spots
Freebies/Spoiler Writer -There are two freebies/spoiler positions
Sign up in the comments below or email me at Scarlette_49 is another member on Stardoll who I am close friends with and she writes on the blog with me.

Writer Application
Do you follow the blog?
Blogs or clubs you write for:
Why should I give you the job?
Ideas you have for the blog to make it more interesting?
How can I let you know if you got the job?
Other Comments.

Graphic Designer/Artwork Application
Do you follow the blog?
Blogs or clubs you work for:
Why should I give you the job?
Ideas you have for the blog to give it a facelift?
How can I let you know if you got the job?
Other Comments.

Modeling Application
Do you follow the blog?
Blogs or clubs you write for:
Why should I give you the job?
How can I let you know if you got the job?
Please send me a photo of you on Stardoll or paste it onto the bottom of this form.
Other Comments.

Freebies/Spoiler Application
Do you follow the blog?
Blogs or clubs you write for:
Why should I give you the job?
Can you do a bit of looking around to find the best info for this segment?
How can I let you know if you got the job?
Other Comments.

Co-Owner Application
Do you follow the blog?
Do you manage/own/co-own anyother blogs/clubs?
How can I let you know if you got the job?
Other Comments.

 Thanks..Oh, and P.S you can sign up for mre than one thing and as long as you are  dedicated, I will probably  give you the job.



  1. Writer Application
    Username: xX...Tasha...Xx
    Age: 15, 16 in February
    Do you follow the blog? I will do in about 5 minuets:)
    Blogs or clubs you write for: I don't write for anyone at the moment but everyone has to start somewhere right?
    Why should I give you the job?
    Ideas you have for the blog to make it more interesting?
    How can I let you know if you got the job? You can message me on stardoll or you can email me :)
    Other Comments. I may not have any experience writing for a blog but I do think I have a way to connect with people through writing. I'd love to write for you :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Freebies/Spoiler Application
    Username: lil_mz_angeltam
    Do you follow the blog? I do now
    Blogs or clubs you write for: None, but I have to start don't I?
    Why should I give you the job? Because I love to write and love to cheak out stardoll for new freebies and new stuff!
    Can you do a bit of looking around to find the best info for this segment? Yes. Love to read blogs!
    How can I let you know if you got the job? Tellme on Stardoll
    Other Comments. I really want this!

  3. Writer Application
    Do you follow the blog? Yes I do.
    Blogs or clubs you write for:I own and write for it.
    Why should I give you the job? I have great things in mind for this blog. I love Stardoll and think being apart of Stardoll Starz would be an honor!
    Ideas you have for the blog to make it more interesting? I would love to write about new stores on stardoll. Makeup tutorials. Fashion ideas. News, etc. Anything about Stardoll really!
    How can I let you know if you got the job? You can contact me on my Stardoll Candycane63103 or reply to this comment and tell me. Whichever. ♥
    Other Comments.
    If you would like to see my makeup tutorials check out my youtube channel StardollMakeupLovers I would love for you too. And I also do graphics! If your interested. Thank you! (:
